Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Inconvenient Law

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, was signed into law on March 23, 2010.

On March 22, 2010, CNN conducted a poll and found that 59% of American’s opposed the bill.

In a Rasmussen poll conducted July 6-7, 2013, the law has not gained support from the American people:

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 39% of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the health care law, while 55% view it unfavorably.”

President Obama, then Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and many other Democrats forced a law on the American people to fundamentally change healthcare in the United States. The ultimate goal, although I am sure denials will continue to be spewed, is a single-payer healthcare system like that in the United Kingdom or Canada. Fortunately, we have proof this was the plan all along…

So, where are we in reaching this goal?

Well, the more we have time to read the bill, the more we find out it truly was put in place to lead to a single-payer system.

How can the Democrats accomplish their goal? One delay after another, a glitch here and there, and continued confusion about the bill is a good place to start. The ACA is not really affordable, and as we find out daily, nearly impossible to implement.

Sam Baker from The Hill reported in January of 2012, more than 1,200 waivers had been granted by the Administration to avoid part of the law. As I wrote this blog, Senator John Barrasso discussed this issue and stated there are more than 2,000 waivers to date. The Administration is pushing back implementation deadlines at their whim, most recently a delay of the employer mandate, until after the 2015 elections. Should Democrats cut Obama some slack for keeping the economic recovery at bay for YEARS with this law because after the mid-term elections he may have more flexibility to fully reach a single-payer system?

Make no mistake; the inability to implement the Affordable Care Act is not incompetence. It is a calculated plan to create a single-payer system. President Obama pushed for a law so complicated he would have to use Executive Orders and loopholes to stop implementation. The goal – increase the public’s distaste for the provisions so they can begin to introduce a single-payer system that will look like a little slice of heaven comparatively.

As his boss, do I get to selectively choose which part of the law I will uphold?

After two separate discussions I had with friends from the UK and Canada about their ability to receive quality and timely care, I would like to pass on President Obama’s plan – especially a single-payer healthcare system. I am perfectly happy with my healthcare plan President Obama said would not change at all under this law.


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