Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Living in an Alternate Universe

Maybe I am misremembering, but I recall a day when the truth was important.

Today, not so much.

The truth of what happened in Benghazi when four Americans were killed was distorted by the Obama administration from day one.

The truth of what was happening at the IRS was skirted for years and kept quiet until well after the election.

The truth of what was happening at the NSA was really never meant to see the light of day.

The truth that lawmakers are attempting to ensure safe medical care for women at any facility that performs medical procedures is ignored.

There are many more instances of the truth being irrelevant because it does not fit a favorable narrative.

But, I am a huge believer that the truth always prevails. Because of this, my hope we will exit this alternate universe we find ourselves in remains.


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