Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Operation Cross Country

76 cities.

150 arrests.

105 teens from 13 to 17 rescued from pimps who preyed on them like modern day slave traders.

In America!

It is difficult to imagine human trafficking occurs in the United States of America. But, reality tells us a much different story, especially the headline posted yesterday of announcing the success of the FBI’s “Operation Cross Country”.

Last week, I spoke with Republican Candidate for Attorney General Mark Obenshain and he spoke directly to this issue. He stated gangs are turning from the drug trade to the people trade, and human trafficking is a growing concern in our nation. You can hear more from Obenshain on this issue here.

The victims of this crime are the most vulnerable – young children who are looking for a place to fit in. The youngest victim of the raids this past weekend was 9 years old.

Our nation went to war to end slavery over 200 years ago. We cannot sit idly by and allow modern day slave traders to capture, torture, and enslave our most innocent citizens for personal gain. These pimps, and the sick bastards who engage in “hiring” these children for sexual pleasure, need to be thrown in jail for life with hard labor.


© 2013 BiGWand™. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jean Gannon appointed by Governor to serve on VA Real Estate Appraisal Board

BiGWand has exciting news about one of our own!

Jean Gannon was recently appointed by Governor Bob McDonnell to the Real Estate Appraiser Board. She was sworn in at the Powhatan County Courthouse by the Honorable Paul W. Cella on July 12, 2013.

Jean has been an appraiser for 18 years and is the Treasurer for the Commonwealth Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. She is a designated SRA appraiser and owns and operates her own appraisal firm.

See the full press release here.

Jean Gannon at the Powhatan Courthouse on July 15, 2013.

We are so proud of Jean Gannon and know she will serve our state with honesty, dignity and professionalism.

By the BiGWand Team

© 2013 BiGWand™. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Women for Obenshain

Suzanne Obenshain is an important part of the Obenshain team. She works tirelessly to support her husband, State Senator Mark Obenshain, who is the Republican Candidate for Virginia’s Attorney General. Today, Suzanne helped launch Women for Obenshain, a coalition to be led by Susan Allen, Marty Kilgore, Senator Jill Vogel and Delegate Margaret Ransone. The event was hosted by Sarah Brooks, President of P.D. Brooks Traffic Control in Mechanicsville.

Attorney General Candidate Mark Obenshain

 Mark's daughter, and driver on the campaign trail, Tucker Obenshain

Senator Obenshain took a moment to explain why he felt strongly about seeking the Attorney General position. His passion to ensure our state is a safe place to live, especially for our elderly and children is clear. He spoke of the human trafficking infiltrating our state and nation, and the impact the Attorney General can have in protecting our citizens from this travesty by presenting and enforcing strict laws on the issue. He also spoke of protecting small business owners from regulations that are prohibitive and unreasonable. Joined by small business owners, many of them women business owners, Attorney General Candidate Obenshain stressed how important their businesses are for strengthening the economy and job market for Virginians. As a small business owner, this was refreshing to hear.

Former Virginia First Lady, Susan Allen

Suzanne Obenshain (right) and Lisa Caruso (left), Dinwiddie Commonwealth’s Attorney

It was a great day to gather with fellow Virginians who are coming together to support Mark Obenshain for Attorney General. To learn more about Attorney General Candidate Mark Obenshain, go to www.markobenshain.com


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pride Before the Fall

I have to be honest; I did not listen to President Obama’s hour plus long speech on the economy today. But, even his officials at the White House said there would be nothing new to offer:

“White House officials said the three speeches will not offer new proposals or approaches, including the use of executive actions to sidestep congressional opposition. Instead, officials said, Obama will outline in broad terms his view of the economic debate ahead.”

From what I have heard about the speech, the White House officials were pretty accurate in their description.

Obama does not have anything new to offer. He will not have anything new to offer for the remainder of his term. In his first term, he was hell bent on getting the healthcare bill passed. I know he talked of how great it would be for Americans and our economy, but so many of us spoke of the turmoil it would bring. With the constant delay of deadlines for implementation of pieces of the law, it is clearer every day we were not just blowing smoke.

Obamacare is unworkable, and financially unsustainable. One of the only real solutions Obama could offer to help revive our staggering economy would be to repeal this atrocious bill. But pride will keep that from happening.

Unfortunately, there is truth to the saying pride always comes before the fall. Let’s hope the pride that prohibits repealing this law will not take down too many American’s, or even the nation as a whole.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Hillary's Chicks Come Home To Roost

You may have heard about the attack on AbuGrab the other day. The prison was under siege by suicide bombers with vests and armed vehicles, gunners and guerrillas killing 10 security officers and prisoners while freeing over 100 Al Qaeda terrorists and top officials.

This offensive makes Bhengazi look like a picnic and both are strong indicators of how out of touch our current administration and the former Secretary of State are. Had Bhengazi been treated like the terrorist attack it was in the first place perhaps some of the dissidents in yesterday's attack may have already been behind bars. Instead we have more lives lost and more lunatics out in world to wreak havoc on our service men and women and our freedoms.

Had Hillary done her job, rather than doing the mamba in some far off place, the families of those lost might still have husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, moms and dads.

"But what does it matter now!?!?" President Obama is off cycling on Martha's Vineyard and Bill, Hillary and Chelsea are covering his back.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Pivot Here, A Pivot There

President Barack Obama, 2013

According to Conn Carroll with the Washington Examiner, this is Obama’s eighth time to pivot towards the economy.

With this new pivot proclamation, what can we expect him to actually focus on this time around? He forced the train wreck that is Obamacare down our throats with one pivot to the economy. After a battle to raise the debt ceiling, he supposedly pivoted back to the economy.

It seems to be a pattern that whenever the stars do not align as he dictates, Obama announces a pivot to the economy. This pivot was likely announced to detract from the scandal of the week. The facade that two rouge IRS agents in Cincinnati is falling apart with White House records showing Obama’s IRS Chief Council appointee, William Wilkins, meeting with him two days before the IRS changed targeting criteria that led to conservative groups being scrutinized. Definitely time for a pivot to one thing all Americans still have in common – the blustering economy.

If I may propose a piece of advice, President Obama, there are some solutions to heal the economic woes of our nation:

1.    Secure the Keystone Pipeline.
2.    Remove regulations prohibiting states like Virginia to drill offshore.
3.    Repeal your signature legislation that is proving every day to be impossible to implement.
4.    Acknowledge that progressive principles are great in theory, but do not work in real life.

Please, for the love of our nation, begin your pivot with these ideas.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Scott Lingamfelter, Early Reflections

Up early this morning to take care of personal business before I head out for a long day of campaigning. There is some hope for cooler weather today as a front (we are told) is moving our way.

Shelley (my wife of 33 years and Mother to the three greatest kids on earth!) and I like to get up early in the mornings. Quiet. Time for some reflection, bible verses, and coffee. Often the conversation finds us being grateful for the luxuries of life that so many around the world do not have. And one of them is air conditioning, which I am sad to say is broken in the Lingamfelter home this morning! Yep, a bit humid in the old home place.

I called the repair guys and now like many others, I will take my place in line to await their response. They said they would get to us on Monday. I bet they are busy. In fact I met one family yesterday going door-to-door who had the same problem. Little did I know that when I got home, I would find myself in... the same fix!

“Life’s little challenges” as a dear friend use to say to me. And in perspective, for us it is a little challenge. For the elderly and others, it can be quite bad, so I am not making light of this.

But here’s a thought. Despite the troubles and annoyances of life, we are very blessed in America. And sometimes it’s hard to focus on this when you look at how so many of our leaders seem bent on making things worse in America. I believe that we were founded by the providential hand of God and we still have an opportunity to get things back on track. But we won’t get there if we sit in the corner and pout about how bad things are. We have to be engaged and involved. No sideline patriots. My view anyway, even as I sit in a humid house this morning.

Go make it a great day!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Bankrupt City

The once thriving metropolis filed for bankruptcy with 18.5 billion in debt. The major creditor, the city’s pension, is owed $2 billion.

Unfortunately, when reality is ignored and greed and power drives promises, it is the people who get hurt. People want to trust their leadership to fulfill promises. But there comes a time when the promises are so costly there is no possible way to make the money tree bloom faster.

Democratic mayors have led Detroit since January of 1962. The fall of the car industry in Detroit hit the city hard, and leaders failed to adjust to the decline in its tax base. Their support of the union system led to wages that were not sustainable.

Kyle Smith has an excellent article at Forbes.com where he details a few of the expenses incurred for Detroit because of unions. The unions were extremely successful in acquiring higher wages and benefits. The unions supported legislators who fought to keep unions viable, but in the end, reality finally began to set in. In March of this year, Michigan became a right-to-work state. The unions continue to fight the legislation. In addition, the only recourse to negotiate union contracts fell under the umbrella of a bankruptcy.

But, the main loser in this scenario is the average worker of Michigan. I don’t fault any union member for believing the politicians and union leaders who promised they were fighting for the people. When you work long hours in a job that is physically challenging, you hope to be rewarded accordingly. The desire to work hard, get a paycheck, and know a comfortable retirement is assured is part of the American dream. But, the reality of how this can be financially sustained long-term is left out of the conversation.

So, the piper has arrived and it is time to pay up. The unions continue to fight and put on the façade they are there to help the people. Don’t get me wrong, there was a day the unions were necessary. But in the modern world, the benefit they bring compared to the costs to run them is becoming less and less.

Only time will tell if Detroit will be able to recover. How the right-to-work status for this state plays a role is also unpredictable. But, hopefully, the ability to work hard and create an outstanding product will return to the Motor City. I look forward to the day of celebrating Detroit’s success, rather than hearing about the stories of demise.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The 15 Second Shuffle

President Obama’s appointments to the NLRB and one to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau were once again said to be unconstitutional by the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

In January 2012, Congress was in pro forma sessions, which Obama is asserting does not really count as Congress being in session because “no real business was conducted.” Therefore, he made what are called recess appointments to fill vacancies in agency positions. This issue will likely go before the Supreme Court soon.

But let’s look back at the modern history of the pro forma session.

In 2008, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown rapped the gavel, calling the Senate into session with an empty chamber, stopping President Bush from making any appointments over the weekend.

Democrats and Republicans have used this tactic to stop recess appointments for decades. For this President to ignore the Constitution because it does not fit his agenda or timing is dangerous. But hey, we seem to get that a lot with Obama so I guess we should be used to it by now.

If leaders in Washington do not like how pro froma sessions are conducted and used, it is up to them to change the process. We no longer live in a time when a Congressional recess lasted months so members could travel home and back. Members can be back in DC within hours. Heck, most members probably go home on weekends to be with their families and constituents, even if they live on the West Coast, because it takes mere hours to return to the beltway.

This type of appointment should no longer be necessary except during a recess lasting longer than 30 days. However, politics apparently gets in the way and the formality of spending 15 seconds in the chair on the Senate floor to call the body to session will live on.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Living in an Alternate Universe

Maybe I am misremembering, but I recall a day when the truth was important.

Today, not so much.

The truth of what happened in Benghazi when four Americans were killed was distorted by the Obama administration from day one.

The truth of what was happening at the IRS was skirted for years and kept quiet until well after the election.

The truth of what was happening at the NSA was really never meant to see the light of day.

The truth that lawmakers are attempting to ensure safe medical care for women at any facility that performs medical procedures is ignored.

There are many more instances of the truth being irrelevant because it does not fit a favorable narrative.

But, I am a huge believer that the truth always prevails. Because of this, my hope we will exit this alternate universe we find ourselves in remains.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

6 Reasons Why We Can’t Afford The Affordable Care Act

By Congressman Randy Forbes
July 15, 2013

When Congress debated the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2009, the Administration said the law offered a central promise: affordability, claiming it would lower costs for businesses and families. But as we move closer to full implementation of the law, the more we see how unaffordable it really is. In fact, earlier this month, the Administration postponed until 2015, the implementation of the employer mandate, tacitly demonstrating that the law is unworkable and unaffordable for businesses.

To that end, here are six reasons why we, as a nation, cannot afford the Affordable Care Act:

Jobs are at risk. The Affordable Care Act creates incentives to not hire new workers and cut back the hours employees are allowed to work. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 32% of small businesses will reduce hiring as a result of the employer mandate, and 31% will cut back hours to reduce the number of full-time employees.

It creates economic confusion. The Act causes confusion for employers struggling to understand and comply with this law. The wave of new rules and regulations, which companies are scrambling to prepare for, adds yet another burden to small businesses amidst an economic environment where many are struggling just to keep their doors open. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce small business outlook survey found that nearly 75% of small business owners say the law’s confusing new mandates, regulations, and taxes have made it more difficult to decide whether they should expand business or hire new workers.

Premiums will increase. One of the most serious flaws with the Affordable Care Act is that its flurry of regulations, restrictions, and taxes drives up the underlying cost of health insurance for people who buy it on their own. According to a May 2013 report by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, nearly all states will see premium increases for individuals and small businesses. Consumers purchasing health insurance on the individual market may face premium increases of nearly 100% on average. In Virginia, projections in the same report show a potential premium increase of 31% in the small business market.

Initial components of the plan have already run out of money. The White House said Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIP) would offer “an [temporary] option to people who have been locked out of the insurance market because of a pre-existing condition like cancer or heart disease,” until the Affordable Care Act kicks in. However, bad budget projections caused the plan to run out of money, allowing only 107,139 out of 375,000 Americans with chronic conditions or diseases to enroll in the program, according to a report by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Earlier this year, the administration announced individuals seeking assistance would be barred from enrolling in PCIP because of financial constraints, even though the plan had a lower than expected enrollment.

Fewer doctors will accept new Medicare or Medicaid patients. Because of the bureaucratic baggage of the law, more than a third of physicians have planned to restrict the Medicare and Medicaid coverage, according to the Physicians Foundation.

The individual mandate is expensive and confusing. Beginning in 2014, under the individual mandate, those who don’t carry health insurance will be fined. For example, individuals without coverage will pay $95 or 1 percent of their annual income. The fine will increase to $695 or 2.5% of annual income — whichever is highest — over time.

However, there is confusion between the employer mandate (which was recently delayed until 2015), and the individual mandate (which is still on schedule to go into effect in 2014). A survey by Health Pocket, a consumer resource on health insurance, showed that nearly 50% of the individuals surveyed weren’t sure if the fines would take effect as scheduled.

This week the House will take up legislation to halt both the employer and individual mandate.

These six reasons serve to corroborate this report, demonstrating how the law is unwieldy and damaging to our economy, and why so many Americans, including me, opposed it from the beginning. It’s also why I have voted to repeal both mandates and will continue to support the repeal and defunding of the health care law. Access to affordable healthcare should not come at such a high price.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Quiet Summer Days, Mint Juleps and Lots of Politics

For a mid-July week when many people are on vacation, you wouldn’t think much would be happening. The election isn’t until early November and the weather has been so hot and sticky, the last thing anyone wants to think about is knocking doors or ringing up constituents on the phone.

But as we all know, politics never takes a holiday in Virginia. So we needed a little shot in the arm so to speak. The excitement started out this week with the grand opening of several Victory Offices here in Central Virginia. We had the distinct pleasure of opening some of these offices on Thursday with the Chair of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus. A down to earth Wisconsinite, Chairman Priebus reminded us that we need to work hard in accomplishing the four basic steps as a party: 1: we need people of their word; 2) who will run for office; 3) win the election; and 4) govern like they campaign. Sounds simple enough, the trick is finding that ideal candidate. You can see the Chairman’s and Ken Cuccinelli’s speeches at www.BiGWand.net.

This Saturday Virginia’s own former first lady, Susan Allen, came to Richmond to promote her children's book, “The Remarkable Ronald Reagan, Cowboy and Commander in Chief.” Mrs. Allen spent time with the children (and the adults) talking to them about the estimable Ronald Reagan, his dedication to conservative values and shared some inside stories about George Allen Sr., George Allen Jr. and the President. Always the gracious hostess, while signing the books she took the time to converse with old friends and get to know the new friends who came out to see her.

Later that afternoon the grand Opening of the Powhatan/Goochland Victory Office held its kick off. Ben Sloan, Chair of Goochland County and Tim Gresham, Chair of Powhatan County were on board to meet and greet the 100+ volunteers in attendance. The Goochland Women’s Republican Committee provided excellent snacks and goodies and members of Goochland’s Board of Supervisors and School Board were in attendance. Our 65th District representative, Delegate Lee Ware was there to show his support for gubernatorial candidate, Ken Cuccinelli. Ken spoke to the crowd, encouraging volunteerism from every corner of the district and fielded some questions.

So get out your pile drivers, put on your candidate hats and lapel stickers and get ready for another season of politicking so we can win back our state, our nation and our freedom.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Guess Who Came to Dinner?

What a great day for active Republicans here in central Virginia!  

Yesterday, BiGWand™ joined RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to celebrate the opening of two of our Republican victory centers here in the greater Richmond-Metro area.  He spoke about the need for candidates to govern how they say they are going to in their campaigns.  He and all Republicans realize how important this gubernatorial election will be this year in Virginia.  We will be in the national spotlight.  We also heard from our Attorney General, Republican candidate for Governor, Ken Cuccinelli.  Ken spoke a lot about his differences from his Democrat competitor and that he is the only candidate for Governor this year that has fought for Virginia...this was made abundantly clear when his opponent had the opportunity to bring jobs and business to Martinsville, but chose to take his business to Mississippi.  

So, now the bell rings, and school's in folks...the campaigns are truly on high speed going into the fall.  

Do what you can in your community to help get our Republican candidates elected. Phone bank, go door to door, tell your friends and family members about our fine Republican slate.  Do what it takes to put leaders in office that will protect your values...if you are a core Republican, then fight for reduced government, strong defense, lower taxes and individual freedom.  We can guarantee the liberal contender will not grant you any of those needs.  

Team BiGWand™

© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Working for the People, or Proving a Political Point?

Yesterday, the City Council of Washington, DC voted in favor of the “Large Retailer Accountability Act,” proposed by Chairman Phil Mendelson (D).

In a report by the same reporter for the Washington Post on May 30, the wage went to “no less than $12.50 an hour”.

Why is this vote important?

This vote was pretty much a vote against Wal-mart. The large chain had made it clear if this passed, they would end plans to bring three stores to the area. Yvette Alexander, a Council member, opposed this bill stating it would cost jobs in her district.

Whether you like Wal-mart or not, this vote is concerning. Basically, this city council decided to impose a requirement on businesses who met a specific set of criteria. This wage does not apply to small businesses because they could not support it. It is more of the spread the wealth and corporations are evil mentality Democrats love to implore upon the American people.

As I see it, Wal-mart is needed in these areas. The closest grocery store for one of the areas where Wal-mart was going to build is in Maryland. At the end of the Channel 7 news report, the anchor references this area as a food desert. A food desert is a  “part of the country vapid of fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods, usually found in impoverished areas. This is largely due to a lack of grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and healthy food providers.”

I have to wonder if these members are working for the people. It sounds like these areas need access to food and jobs, not legislation.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Inconvenient Law

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, was signed into law on March 23, 2010.

On March 22, 2010, CNN conducted a poll and found that 59% of American’s opposed the bill.

In a Rasmussen poll conducted July 6-7, 2013, the law has not gained support from the American people:

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 39% of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the health care law, while 55% view it unfavorably.”

President Obama, then Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and many other Democrats forced a law on the American people to fundamentally change healthcare in the United States. The ultimate goal, although I am sure denials will continue to be spewed, is a single-payer healthcare system like that in the United Kingdom or Canada. Fortunately, we have proof this was the plan all along…

So, where are we in reaching this goal?

Well, the more we have time to read the bill, the more we find out it truly was put in place to lead to a single-payer system.

How can the Democrats accomplish their goal? One delay after another, a glitch here and there, and continued confusion about the bill is a good place to start. The ACA is not really affordable, and as we find out daily, nearly impossible to implement.

Sam Baker from The Hill reported in January of 2012, more than 1,200 waivers had been granted by the Administration to avoid part of the law. As I wrote this blog, Senator John Barrasso discussed this issue and stated there are more than 2,000 waivers to date. The Administration is pushing back implementation deadlines at their whim, most recently a delay of the employer mandate, until after the 2015 elections. Should Democrats cut Obama some slack for keeping the economic recovery at bay for YEARS with this law because after the mid-term elections he may have more flexibility to fully reach a single-payer system?

Make no mistake; the inability to implement the Affordable Care Act is not incompetence. It is a calculated plan to create a single-payer system. President Obama pushed for a law so complicated he would have to use Executive Orders and loopholes to stop implementation. The goal – increase the public’s distaste for the provisions so they can begin to introduce a single-payer system that will look like a little slice of heaven comparatively.

As his boss, do I get to selectively choose which part of the law I will uphold?

After two separate discussions I had with friends from the UK and Canada about their ability to receive quality and timely care, I would like to pass on President Obama’s plan – especially a single-payer healthcare system. I am perfectly happy with my healthcare plan President Obama said would not change at all under this law.


© 2013 BiGWand. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Powhatan State Park Grand Opening

 As any hot summer day in Powhatan County, the Grand Opening Celebration of Powhatan State Park on the Historic James on July 6, 2013 was no exception.  Many visitors came to the park for the festivities that included exhibits, a free concert by the Farm Use String Band, and the formal ribbon cutting ceremony featuring state and local officials.  

Governor Bob McDonnell at the Powhatan State Park Grand Opening

Governor Robert F. McDonnell was the keynote speaker and offered his family memories of visiting State Parks.  Delegate Lee Ware was present as were Joe Elton, a Powhatan Resident who is the Virginia State Parks Director.  A wonderful day for families and friends to come together to see Powhatan County's beautiful State Park.  Plans to continue adding facilities and activities in the future were outlined and we look forward to new each phase.  It was also nice to see a high school classmate from Hermitage High School in Henrico County, VA, David Johnson who is the Director of Virginia Department of Conservation & Recreation.  A wonderful day was shared by all and we look forward to many visitors to our wonderful County.


Powhatan's finest on hand for the Powhatan State Park Grand Opening

By Debbie Elam, The Lady In Pearls

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