Friday, June 21, 2013

Why the USA needs Jack Bauer for President

If you don't know who Jack Bauer is, you missed one of the best series on FOX.  His character was a field agent that works for CTU, Counter Terrorist Unit.  He risked his life every episode of the series to protect what we hold dear, our lives and our freedom, from destruction contrived by terrorists.  He was willing to sacrifice for the good of the American people.  Granted it was a gritty show, but the thought is still the same, protect the people at all costs. 

This is the reason government was formed in the first place, our security.

He lost friends, family, and other loved ones along the way.  He had to make the hard decisions of who lives and who dies for the price of freedom.  Internally, he struggled with his life and his decisions, but he had the same moral compass pointing North.....the Amercian way of life, freedom and the people came first.

Why don't we see that now?  Why have we lost our way?  The moral compass has changed and we rarely see leaders stick their neck out for the greater good of the American people.

I for those candidates that will fight for you.

Jack for President!


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