Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Let Them Eat Cake Part #82837479…

The people’s house is closed to tours, but the Obama’s are staying in $3,300 a night rooms on their trip to Ireland. The estimated tab for the taxpayers for two days of this trip is $5 million.

I understand the President is attending the G8 meetings in Ireland. I also understand security for the President and his family is a top priority. However, it always astounds me to see any politician allow for such extravagance, especially when people at home cannot put food on the table for their children.

My frustration with this is not party related either. Again I understand there is a certain decorum that must be kept in regards to the office of the Presidency, but I recall the same frustration when walking through the White House on a tour when President Bush was in office. I wondered how much money was spent on fresh flowers in rooms open for viewing. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE fresh flowers, especially in my home. But our government spends more than it takes in and flowers are a luxury.

President Obama said he would go line by line and eliminate frivolous spending through earmarks if elected. 

How about making sure every tax dollar spent on any government travel is spent wisely too? A great number of Americans will forgo a family vacation this year because they cannot afford it. To see this extravagance slapping the face of the American people is sad and infuriating. But, Obama has not kept his promise on eliminating frivolous government spending, so expecting he would be more sensitive to the state of the average American is obviously too much to ask.


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