Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Loss of Innocence

Tonight was a slow night at the county fair - the sky was overcast over Central Virginia and most families were thinking the late summer skies would give way to an evening storm. I know I was hoping a cold front would head in regardless of the rain it would bring.

So, while I am biding my time, I get on my trusty smart phone and check out the Drudge Report for the days current news. Drudge sometimes has some wacky headlines and this one caught my eye: "SHOCK: Pre-Teen black kids bully 3-year-old white girl...VIDEO 'when white people piss black people off'"

Intrigued I go to YouTube and find the video. I am beyond dismayed.  It's a bunch of little kids, picking on one smaller kid. She cries that hurtful cry we have all let loose at one time in our lives.  It's heart breaking and not one of these kids is over 10 years old.

The only racial thing about is the title.  It’s a video about kids picking on kids smaller than them. 

So, as a middle aged woman who raised two daughters my first instinct is "Where are the parents?" Where are the parents to the kid being bullied: a 3-year-old on a hot wheel, in the street and no adult around to watch out for her? Bad enough we have the hateful bullies going after her but what about traffic?

Where are the parents of the tormentors? Doesn't anyone stick their head out the door just to check on them?

Now I am usually the one to broach conversation about politics, religion, etc...but I tend to stay away from child rearing.  In this instance though, I have to say, this new generation is being raised by a pack of wolves. There is no longer the concept of common courtesy, no compassion and least of all no parental supervision. 

My heart broke for that little girl crying but also for the children doing the bullying and running roughshod with no one there to show them the hurtful lines they crossed. How can they show any kindness when apparently they don’t know it first-hand themselves?  I do, however, remain hopeful that there are enough decent people out there to show our younger generation how to act like caring human beings and not detached, hateful thugs.  We need to wake up and take charge of our families.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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