Sunday, August 11, 2013

Guest Blog: Results and Elections matter....

Results and Elections matter...By Delegate Scott Lingamfelter

When I was in the Artillery conducting live fire training (that is shooting real artillery shells), we spent a lot of time on the techniques and procedures to make sure we were accurate. The infantry we supp...orted really liked our devotion to precision. One wrong round in the wrong place could really ruin your day.

One of our evaluative techniques is what we called “did hit” vs. “should hit” analysis, that is where the rounds landed as opposed to where they should have landed. And when we finished this, we were able to find out how to improve our accuracy.

So let's do a little “did hit” vs. “should hit” analysis of the Obama economy.

President Obama said he would create millions of new jobs. But even today, unemployment is stuck at an unacceptably high rate of 7.4%. Ironically, that figure is 12.6% for African-Americans and 9.4% for Hispanics, people Obama says he wants to help. But when you include those who have just given up looking for work, that figure hovers at near 23%. Pathetic. He said he would reduce our debt. But debt under Obama has exploded to over $16.8 Trillion dollars , that's $53,000 for every single American. He said he would reduce spending. Same thing. His stimulus packages have ballooned spending (currently $3.5 Trillion) and we have little to show for it but horrible unemployment. And this is the President who says he wants to help the Middle Class?

In reality, Obama has simply missed the target. Why?

First, Obama thinks government must lead the economic recovery effort. In fact, this is dead wrong. The key to success is to unleash the private sector to make investment of private capital in the economy to grow jobs, create wealth, and help people become prosperous. The government will never exceed the private sector when it comes to bringing viable ideas to the free market and actuate them in products, goods and services.

Second, Obama believes that the government should encourage some businesses while discouraging others that don't fit his economic or social-engineering vision for America. Nowhere is this more evident than in the energy sector where his Administration has poured huge sums of our tax dollars into “renewable” energy like failed solar companies while devastating the coal industry, a commodity that employs millions of people, is abundant in America, and is the cheapest energy source in the world. Picking winners and losers in the economy is a horrible way to proceed and will only make the economy worse.

Third, Obama believes that the government is superior to the private sector in running major areas of our economy. You need look no further than healthcare to see what a failure this idea is in concept and practice. Obama's approach on healthcare is the most massive takeover of the private economy in the history of our nation. Even today, the majority of Americans in poll after poll want Obamacare repealed. Yet Obama remains steadfastly supportive of this socialist approach to healthcare even while he is exempting huge portions of the nation, both businesses and big labor, from the effects of his own law that was rammed through by the Democrat party in Congress. This law is bad for America and will destroy the economy with huge taxation to support it while actually increasing the cost of healthcare for everybody.

The Obama Administration misses the target when it comes to restoring our economy and the lesson is clear. If you elect people who like socialism, you will get more government. Here in Virginia, we have an election this year. If you elect Democrats, please do not be distraught when you get more and more government in your lives.

Elections matter folks, results too, and I would ask you to elect conservatives like me and others who understand that freedom, free markets, and American ingenuity will restore our economy, not economic and social engineers who have no idea what to do. Please consider helping my campaign at with a donation this month. It will help me get my message to the people.

Have a great day!
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