Monday, February 25, 2013

Governing by Fear

In the latest round of battles on Capitol Hill the finger pointing about the upcoming Sequestration is mind-boggling. The looming sequester has everyone blaming everyone else for how we got to this point. It seems everyone was for it before they were against it, or were they against it before they were for it? I think my head may explode trying to figure it out!

Let’s take a step back and look at the history of our debt that led to Sequestration being placed on the table.

At 1:09 p.m on February, 25, 2013 our debt looked like this:

On this same day on 2008 our debt looked like this:

The calculator on my Dashboard will not let me enter these kinds of figures to calculate the difference! Using a web calculator the debt increased by…


In 2004, on this same day the debt looked like this:

And this in 2000:

(All screen shots taken from

During the Bush Administrations two terms the debt increased $3,689,837,934,826.

Now, I don’t think any debt is acceptable, but the fact that President Obama has increased the debt nearly twice as much as his predecessor in only one term is outrageous. What is even more outrageous is the fact that in order to keep spending levels the same, the cry for more revenue is going unchallenged by the majority of Americans. I get no one wants their pet project to go on the chopping block when it comes to funding. However, when we are in such steep debt to nations like China, the time has come to make some difficult decisions, regardless of whether or not you may lose votes.

In 2011, President Obama needed Congress to increase the debt limit. This was something he himself said was irresponsible when President Bush asked for the same thing. On March 16, 2006, on the floor of the US Senate, then Senator Barack Obama said this:

Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem.
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills.

He goes on to say:
Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities. Instead, interest payments are a significant tax on all Americans—a debt tax that Washington doesn’t want to talk about. If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we would see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies.

Vice President Joe Biden agreed with Obama:
Over $3 trillion in debt, foreign debt and debt held by Americans, has been piled up by this administration.
When he set out on the course that brought us to this sorry state, the President was clearly and repeatedly warned that massive tax cuts would leave us vulnerable to natural disasters, economic slowdown, or threats to our national security. ‘‘Don’t worry,’’ the President told us. ‘‘I know what I am doing.’’

I have to say, I agree with both then Senators Obama and Biden – who both voted against raising the ceiling. Where is this commonsense thinking today? Wait, they are in power so the game has changed and their adding  $7,132,936,383,814 to the debt is justified.

The hypocrisy is disgusting and ALL Americans should be outraged. Unfortunately, half of the population voted for this hypocrisy and bought into the premise of raising taxes on the wealthy. Well, that happened in December, along with a raise in the payroll tax for every working American. Now to end the threat of mandatory spending cuts on specific government agencies through the Sequestration, who Bob Woodward documents as being proposed by non other than Jack Lew, President Obama’s current nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, President Obama is on the road telling the American people how awful it will be if Republicans do not agree to more revenue to avert the Sequestration.

Enter the continuation of what I call…

Governing by Fear!

Standing in front of some of our finest first responders, President Obama lectured:

Now, Congress, back in 2011, also passed a law saying that if both parties couldn’t agree on a plan to reach that $4 trillion goal, about a trillion dollars of additional, arbitrary budget cuts would start to take effect this year.  And by the way, the whole design of these arbitrary cuts was to make them so unattractive and unappealing that Democrats and Republicans would actually get together and find a good compromise of sensible cuts as well as closing tax loopholes and so forth.  And so this was all designed to say we can't do these bad cuts; let’s do something smarter.  That was the whole point of this so-called sequestration.

If I am not mistaken, Democrats control the White House and Senate. So, let me ask the inconvenient question of why they have waited until the 11th hour to find the solution to this “unattractive and unappealing” law HE signed? Republicans passed two bills in the house to avoid this mess! The Democrat leading the Senate has refused to allow them to come up for a vote.

Therefore, my conclusion is this…President Obama governs by fear.

He fails to lead by putting good ideas on the table, and then points the finger at everyone else, especially Republicans, when failure shows up on the doorstep. When the nation is put in a state of panic because his party truly lacks solutions to effectively solve the problems our nation faces, he thrives on it. If he can put the fear in American’s hearts, then he can get what he wants. And he knows it.

Unfortunately, this type of leadership never ends well. My real fear is it will be too late to really solve our financial crisis before the note is called by China. President Obama prefers to annihilate anyone who disagrees with his methods than lead with the respect and dignity the office of the President deserves.


Kessler, Glenn; Obama’s fanciful claim that Congress ‘proposed’ the sequester, Wasington Post, 10/26/2012;

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