Ok, for those of you who may
think on this Labor Day 2013 that things are better under the Obama
administration, consider this in the Richmond Times Dispatch this
morning about part time work.
“The rise in the number of
temporary workers is being driven by two factors — uncertainty about the
economy, and companies cutting employee hours because of costs
associated with the Affordable Care Act, workforce experts say.” http://www.timesdispatch.com/ business/economy/ hiring-explodes-in-part-time-an d-contract-work/ article_f653f2bb-291b-524b-84bc -dd94d20d2c61.html
Yes, yes, I
know “It’s ALL Bush’s fault!”, the now familiar if not worn our refrain
from liberals who support the economic policies of this administration....
FACT: This economy is in a mess. We need to unleash the private
sector so they can grow and hire. That means lower, not higher, taxes
and far less bureaucratic meddling in the business of business.
FACT: Obamacare has had a direct impact on the increase in part time
work as businesses maneuver to avoid the penalties under Obamacare.
Repeal it Congress—now—and offer in its place a clear and better reform
package to actually improve healthcare in America. GOP members are
offering ideas but the leadership is asleep at the switch. The
173-member strong Republican Study Committee is on track to roll out
legislation this fall and it should be seriously considered.
The bottom line is we need a new crew in the White House and Congress
and we need them now.
BiGWand™ is honored to have
Virginia State Delegate Scott
Lingamfelter as regular guest with our blog. Delegate
Lingamfelter is a true patriot who has served our nation on the
battlefield and in the legislature and we are so thankful to him for
allowing us to share his thoughts with our readers. Check back every
Sunday to hear what Delegate Lingamfelter has to say.
Ok, for those of you who may
think on this Labor Day 2013 that things are better under the Obama
administration, consider this in the Richmond Times Dispatch this
morning about part time work.
“The rise in the number of
temporary workers is being driven by two factors — uncertainty about the
economy, and companies cutting employee hours because of costs
associated with the Affordable Care Act, workforce experts say.” http://www.timesdispatch.com/ business/economy/ hiring-explodes-in-part-time-an d-contract-work/ article_f653f2bb-291b-524b-84bc -dd94d20d2c61.html
Yes, yes, I know “It’s ALL Bush’s fault!”, the now familiar if not worn our refrain from liberals who support the economic policies of this administration....
FACT: This economy is in a mess. We need to unleash the private sector so they can grow and hire. That means lower, not higher, taxes and far less bureaucratic meddling in the business of business.
FACT: Obamacare has had a direct impact on the increase in part time work as businesses maneuver to avoid the penalties under Obamacare. Repeal it Congress—now—and offer in its place a clear and better reform package to actually improve healthcare in America. GOP members are offering ideas but the leadership is asleep at the switch. The 173-member strong Republican Study Committee is on track to roll out legislation this fall and it should be seriously considered.
The bottom line is we need a new crew in the White House and Congress and we need them now.
BiGWand™ is honored to have
Virginia State Delegate Scott
Lingamfelter as regular guest with our blog. Delegate
Lingamfelter is a true patriot who has served our nation on the
battlefield and in the legislature and we are so thankful to him for
allowing us to share his thoughts with our readers. Check back every
Sunday to hear what Delegate Lingamfelter has to say.
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