Thursday, September 5, 2013

Elections Have Consequences

In 2008 America voted against George W. Bush. They voted against a President who had held America’s hand through the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. They voted against a man who was not in the race, but had led the nation through wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – wars waged to find the perpetrators of 9/11 and stop a man who ignored the international communities sanctions time and again.

They did so because they believed in the hope a man named Barack Obama sold them leading up to the election. They believed in his anti-war rhetoric. They believed in his dovish talk of how America needs to quit pushing out its chest and policing the world. They believed he was the smartest man in the room who could sit down with anyone in the world and get them to lay down their weapons.

Well, how has that worked out for us?

Since taking office, Obama has done everything in his power to deplete our military power. His arrogance has leaders around the world realizing he is a joke. He went off the teleprompter and drew a “red line” about Syria last year. This week he tried to pass this off as “the world drew a red line”.  Vomit!

Now, he and another buffoon, John Kerry, who spewed anti-war rhetoric when running for President in 2004, are visiting Capitol Hill begging members of Congress and America to stand behind them as they ask for permission for a possible military strike on Syria. Why? Now that they have the visibility of the real world, they see the reality. There are just some people who refuse to play nicely in the sandbox no matter how sweet you are to them. There are people in the world who have no appreciation for the sanctity of another life. For them, power, money, and land are all that matters. You can give up all of your nuclear weapons, but they will retain, if not increase theirs.

The foolishness of this President, and his Administration, to ignore the realities of the world we live in has led us down a very dangerous path. I do not envy the leaders in Congress this week. Yes, there is a responsibility for the nations of the world to make sure crazy loons like Hitler and Saddam Hussein never come to power, or if they do, are removed. However, Obama's foreign policy has helped lead to the debacle we see in the Middle East today. He miscalculated. Unlike the campaign trail here in the states, you cannot say something to the world and then act like it didn't come from your mouth. At some point we must quit digging him out of the hole his foreign policy dug. It is time to regroup, rebuild, and live to fight another day. While Obama's credibility may not recover, America's can. The American people can see to that in 2016. We did in 1980.

I agree with Congressman Randy Forbes, whose opinion on this issue can be found here.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Congressman Forbes last spring. He had interesting information to share about the depletion of our military. It is one of those moments in life I will never forget. As I listened to his answer, I became frozen in fear. I could not believe what I was hearing. Go to the 3:00 minute mark. I am grateful to live in his district and know I am represented with integrity and honesty in Washington. I am comforted knowing we have men like Congressman Forbes fighting for our military in Washington, when they are on the battlefield or at the ready around the world.


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